Just wanted to take a moment, on this, the last day of February, to say farewell to the month that causes me the most soul-crushing heartache. The one month that makes global warming seem welcoming. February you are the August of Winter - the other arm-pit of the calendar. Though you are here for the shortest of any month, you have the ability to freeze time with your icy heart. Somehow January never seems as cruel as you. You're a sadistic teacher handing out a huge homework assignment as the final bell before Spring Break rings. You're the basketball coach winning by thirty who refuses to pull out the starting five, even in the waining minutes of the game. But alas, even as I type these words, today you are taking your final, frigid breaths, coughing up sleet and snow on your deathbed.
So now we say goodbye to warming up the car for twenty minutes before work, and hello to rolling down the windows. Sure, sure, March is as moody as an unmedicated bi-polar girlfriend, but at least we know it's trying. While the economy may be crumbling, at least we know it will soon be much more pleasant to stand outside for hours in a bread line. Spring is on it's way, and that's change we can believe in.
You're a good writer, Travis. I enjoy reading these.